Artist: JEWEL

Date: 2002-05-17

Location: Nuerburgring-Eifel, Germany - Rock am Ring

Medium: SHN

Equipment / Source: TV


Nuerburgring-Eifel, Germany - Rock am Ring (Center Stage)
May 17, 2002

Length: 41:01
Quality: Excellent + TV (see history)
Size: 291MB compressed (SHN)
Complete Show: unknown
DAE in Lineage: No

Disc 1 (41:01)

1. I Won't Walk Away
2. Standing Still
3. Do You Want To Play?
4. Hands
5. You Were Meant For Me
6. Love Me, Just Leave Me Alone
7. Everybody Needs Someone Sometime
8. The New Wild West
9. Who Will Save Your Soul

TV (WDR Rockpalast) (cable)
-> Grundig GV450 Hi-Fi VCR (direct line-out; manual level control)
-> Sony DAT DTC-670 (A>D @ 32kHz)
-> optical Sony D100
-> DAT-M @ 32khz

-> Sony D100 DAT-M playback
-> optical Soundpool SRC44 (32kHz>44.1kHz)
-> optical Midia Prodif 100
-> CD Wave Editor recording
-> Wavelab 3.0 fade-in/out
-> CD WAVE Editor Track splitting
-> WAV
-> MKW Audio Compression Tools 0.97b
-> SHNv3

Jewel has a broken rib and collarbone and can't play guitar. During the first 1:20min of the broadcast something goes wrong and you can hear the in-ear monitor incl. metronome from someone. After this the sound is fine.

Jewel - vocals
Mark Oakley - guitar
Stuart Mathis - guitar
Steve George - keyboard
T-Bone Hannon - bass
Trey Gray - drums

No cover available for this show.